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Service Hours

Why They Are Required at Concord

When students get involved in community service, they not only help others — they expand their worldview, develop empathy and leadership skills, and realize how their actions can have a positive impact. They also return to the classroom realizing how what they’re learning applies to the real world, which reinvigorates their passion for learning.
That’s why we believe community service is important for students. Not just for the positive impact they can make on the world — but also for the positive impact volunteering has on them.

Middle School

Middle School students are required to complete at least 6 hours of service – students who complete all required hours will be rewarded with any of various privileges at school in May

(No more than 2 hours directly benefiting Concord will be counted.)

Freshmen & Sophomores

Freshmen and Sophomores are required to complete at least 10 hours of service – the percentage of required hours completed will be entered as a test grade in Transition class for 4th quarter (100% maximum)

(No more than 4 hours directly benefiting Concord will be counted.)

Juniors & Seniors

Juniors and Seniors are required to complete at least 15 hours of service – the percentage of required hours completed will be entered as a test grade in Transition class for 4th quarter (100% maximum)

(No more than 6 hours directly benefiting Concord will be counted.)
* Seniors may use these hours toward their TNPromise Scholarship requirement

Service Hours and NOT Service Hours

Community service is time contributed to a nonprofit or public service organization. The community should  benefit from the work you do.

Make sure you are volunteering with an actual organization (not an individual), you are not being paid, you are being supervised by someone who is not a family member - parents should not sign service hours forms.


How to Get Credit for Hours

A completed Service Hours Form must be submitted to Mrs. Bowman. Students should complete the form themselves and have it verified and signed by the person in charge of the volunteer event where they served (not a parent).

Please record only one event (with date) per form. 

Service hours must be turned in by the end of the quarter in which they were performed.

  Quarterly Due Dates 

Please keep a copy of the forms for your records.  Forms are available on the bulletin board outside the Main Office, or at the link below.

Service Hours Forms

You can check your service hours in Renweb.  Here's how:

Check My Service Hours

Where to Find Volunteer Opportunities

Your own church or Boy/Girl Scout group are great places to start.  

VOLUNTEER ODYSSEY is a fantastic website that gathers service opportunities all over the Memphis area in one place.  Check out their calendars of events!

Some "jobs" at school may be counted as Service Hours. See the list below.


Service Hours at School

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